
RFC (Request for Comment): a Naming schema for Citrix NetScaler ADC


In my day-to-day work (audits, project management, project oversight, architecture, …), I usually see Citrix NetScaler ADCs administered by someone else. In my audits, one of my first steps is checking for a consistent naming scheme. NetScalers tend to be chaotic if naming is chaotic. Of course, one can argue that the naming of objects is not essential, but for me, it is also a gauge of how...

Are there Syslog events coming from partitions?


© Wikipedia, Creufop There seems to be no way to log events inside partitions, even though there are settings for logging and configuration seems to be right. They are exactly the same as in default partition. Syslog server is, so the local machine. Everything seems to be perfect. But /var/partitions/<partitionname>/log will remain empty. Why? Well, the syslog-server is

Creating a Citrix ADC / NetScaler Test environment #2


last update: May 5th 2020 Almost two years ago I created a test website for Citrix NetScaler. The product is now called Citrix ADC. It had been a set of files, both, for both, Linux and Windows. It allowed you to create a test environment to test load-balancing solutions, content switching and more. My test web page is very similar to the pages, Citrix Educations use in CNS-220 and the first 3...

Citrix ADC (NetScaler) Videos


I love doing whiteboarding sessions. I always do it during training, and I also did some at home and put these on YouTube. This is a list of Videos I did: My first Video was about setting up a Citrix ADC (Citrix NetScaler). It was a blended video, some parts clicking into Citrix NetScaler ADC, some parts white-boarding My second Video was about basic Load-balancing on Citrix ADC (Citrix...

Splitting up a NetScaler site using admin partitions


(a nice but partly failed try) Complex web applications may lead to complex NetScaler configuration. And sometimes an administrator may get lost troubleshooting complex websites, especially sites using content switching. This is an example of a real world website: The portal page is assembled of several independent web applications. Each application is hosted on a specific group of load balanced...

What do we need to create a Citrix environment at home?


last update: May 5th 2020 We all love to cook in our own Citrix environment. What do we need to be successfull? Well, even though this question may sound funny it is one of the most frequently asked questions in some of these Citrix forums out there. So I like to give an answer: A server, 24 to 32 GB RAM (64 or even 128 GB would be way better, but 32 is fine), round about 2 TB hard disk storage...

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